So What Is So Special About Shakeology?

Shakeolgy 70 healthy ingredients

Good Morning Beautiful!

So today I want to discuss Shakeology, and what makes it so special compared to other products on the market. But, I also want to explain to you a few things about nutrition first. This way you will see why Shakeology is such an important part of your daily nutritional arsenal, and why it is, truly something special!

Did you know that the Department of Agriculture states that:

9 out of 10 Americans are deficient in potassium

8 out of 10 are deficient in vitamin E

7 out of 10 are deficient in calcium

50% are deficient in vitamin A, C, and magnesium?

Based on these numbers the likely hood that you are deficient in at least one of these groups is extremely high!

According to the Center For Disease Control (CDC):

More than half of the population is deficient in Vitamin D, which means that there is an immense need for supplementation.

All of the above statistics point to the fact that a large majority of our population is micronutrient deficient and in need of proper supplementation.

Research has shown micronutrient deficiency to be scientifically linked to a higher risk of being overweight/ obesity and other dangerous and debilitating diseases. With more than two-thirds of the U.S. population overweight or obese, and research showing that one-third are on a diet at any given time, a need existed to determine whether current popular diet plans could protect followers from micronutrient deficiency by providing the minimum levels of 27 micronutrients, as determined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) Reference Daily Intake (RDI) guidelines.

With that said, Vitamin Deficiency has been known to cause an 80% increase in the likelihood of becoming overweight/obese and is scientifically linked to other illnesses including; resistance to infection, birth defects, cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic inflammation, and osteoporosis, just to name a few. Thus, meaning that you are 80% more likely to develop one of these illnesses. The truth can be scary!

So, what do we do about this?? Do we just throw up our hands and continue to say oh well? Let me ask you this, if your child was ill and your pediatrician said the only way to help heal your child is to put your child on a special diet, take them to xyz specialists for xyz treatments, would you do it?? Of course you would! Well, this is no different, and that  is where Shakeology comes in to play an important role in your health as well as your families.

shakeo Let’s talk about this amazing source of dense nutrition.

So what is Shakeology?

Shakeology is a whole food and vitamins all in one, that’s right you read that right, an actual whole food and vitamins!

It is not a weight loss shake nor a protein shake. It is literally just dense nutrition.

Shakeology contains 70 healthy ingredients

It does NOT contain artificial colors, flavors, sugars, soy, high fructose corn syrup.

It covers your basic nutrition needs for the day.

It is flexible in calories to meet individual needs

Because this is 100% nutrition you can even give it to your children at 1/3 of a scoop per day.

It contains Superfoods such as Adaptogens and Phytonutrients to help build your immune system and helps you become and internal powerhouse!

Reduces inflammation, which is the number 1 cause of all disease such as, migraines, eczema, heart disease and arthritis. They all start with chronic inflammation.

Repairs your GI Track: Digestive enzymes clean out your digestive track and primes it to absorb nutrients. Did you know that the nutrients from food is absorbed through the microvilli and the villi in our small intestines?

It is also certified low on the glycemic index.

11218967_10205268466691521_5061754139741259586_n (1)

So what has Shakeology done for me??

I have Celiac Disease, and to keep it brief on the explanation of what this autoimmune disease does, the villi and microvilli I described above gets block by the gluten in foods, which then prevented my body from absorbing nutrients. So I was seriously nutrient deficient. I started  drinking Shakeology close to a year ago now, and I have had some major improvements in my health since then, and these are the changes that I have had happen:

I sleep so much better

I wake up feeling rested

I have more energy

I no longer NEED caffeine

I no longer crave bad foods, as a matter of fact yesterday, for example, I was actually craving brussel sprouts. LOL

My hair, skin, and nails are looking awesome these days. My skin glows, may nails are no longer brittle, and my hair is getting thicker and growing faster!

I have lost some weight

I haven’t gotten sick; not even a mild cold

I have saved money since I am replacing a meal with a shake. Gluten Free foods are not CHEAP! EEK!

I used to get headaches in the afternoon, I haven’t had one in over 11 months.

Brain Fog (which is a symptom of Celiac Disease) has not come into annoy me in over 10 months.

Oh and I have always bruised easily, but haven’t gotten a bruise in months, and trust me I am a klutz, I am always banging into something. LOL

That is all I can remember now, but as you can see, I have definitely had some major changes in my life since drinking Shakeology every day.

Now I do have to say, I am not a doctor, and since every body is different, results are not a guarantee. Please always speak to your doctor before starting a new supplement.

To order Shakeology just click on the link below!

Happy Friday!!!!

source: Calton Nutrition

Taking The Guess Work Out Of Gluten Allergy Symptoms

Gluten Hi  Beautiful,

So, I know you have probably heard the terms “Celiac Disease”, “Gluten Allergy”, “Gluten Intolerant”, and “Gluten Sensitivity” by now. And like many of you , I was so confused when they became widely known terms. What exactly do these mean? How do I know if I have one of them? Why are there so many terms instead of it being generalized under one maybe two? Well, to save you the long drawn out medical terms and reasons, the simple answer is there are different levels from a mild sensitivity to the severe cases, being Celiac Disease (which is what I have), and I found out by initially watching an episode of Dr. Oz. He had Elizabeth Hassleback (she also has Celiac Disease) on, and she went through her story on how she found out she had Celiac. They then had a symptom checker and gave you a simple way of finding out if Gluten is an issue for you, the elimination diet. I literally had almost every symptom on the list, and followed what Dr. Oz said to find out if Gluten was my issue.

I spent the next 30 days following that episode completely Gluten Free. By completely, I mean reading all  ingredients to avoid possible gluten. You would be surprised to see what items actually contain it, and it is not like the words wheat barley or rye pop out on every label, but that is another blog post for another day. Anyway, within the first week I noticed symptoms diminishing, I was really starting to feel better, which was awesome! After I completed the 30 days, I had dropped 20 pounds, had a ton of energy, slept like a baby, my hair, skin and nails were looking great, heart burn was gone, no more brain fog, etc. etc.

The next step was to reintroduce gluten containing foods to see if it was the cause of these issues, and sure enough the heart burn, bloating, headaches, fatigue , brain fog, etc. came back with a vengeance. At this point I knew I at least had a gluten allergy, and the only way to fix the issues was to avoid gluten containing foods from this point on. So, now that I filled you in a bit about my beginning journey to finding out I have Celiac Disease, I want to give you a simple list of common symptoms to look for. Now, if you have these symptoms, you should try the elimination diet first to see if they go away/subside, and when in doubt go to your doctor to get it checked out. I am in now way a medical doctor, and the information I am providing you is from multiple medical sources as well as my own personal experiences. Feel free to message me any questions you may have.

Gluten Allergy, Celiac, Gluten Intolerance/Sensitivity Symptom Check List:

1: Digestive Issues:

Gas,bloating, constipation, and diarrhea are the most common symptoms after eating gluten containing foods. Constipation is most common in children. Many people that were diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) noticed that their symptoms went away after cutting gluten from their

signs of gluten intolerance

2: Mood:

Depression, anxiety, ADHD, and frequently changing moods can improve by eliminating gluten from the diet.

3: Joint Pain:

Swollen and painful joints, including the fingers and knees can be a sign of gluten sensitivity.signs of gluten intolerance

4: Keratosis Pilaris:

Also called chicken skin, is raised bumps commonly on the back of the arms caused by the malabsorption of fatty acids and Vitamin A. These deficiencies occur due to damage of the intestines caused by long term exposure to gluten.

5: Exhaustion:

Feeling tired or foggy after you eat a meal that contains gluten is common for people intolerant of the protein.

Many people with gluten intolerance who cut wheat and other gluten-containing grains from their diet feel a dramatic increase in energy.

6:Chronic Fatigue or Fibromyalgia:

These diagnoses generally indicate that your doctor isn’t exactly sure what the cause of your fatigue or chronic pain is. Often, gluten intolerance is an underlying factor in these syndromes, and cutting gluten out of your diet can target the actual cause of your pain and fatigue.

7: Migraine Headaches:

A 2001 study found that eating gluten can trigger migraines and intense headaches for those who are sensitive to it. MRI scanning indicated that many of these patients had significant inflammation in their nervous systems, likely due to reactions to gluten.

8: Autoimmune Diseases:

signs of gluten intolerance

Inflammation and prolonged exposure to gluten can put the body on high alert, autoimmune diseases frequently develop in people who are intolerant to gluten. These diseases include lupus, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, scleroderma, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and multiple sclerosis.

9:Hormone Imbalance:

Infertility, PCOS, and irregular menstrual cycles are often related to gluten intolerance. The inflammation from gluten consumption puts a significant amount of stress on the adrenal glands, which can begin to malfunction and upset the balance of the entire endocrine system.

10: Neurological Symptoms:

Dizziness, poor balance and vertigo, and symptoms like numbness and tingling can all be indicative of inflammation in the nervous system caused by gluten-induced responses within the immune system.

I know these symptoms all to well, they most certainly are not a joy to live with nor a safe way to live which is why I am sharing this information with you. Be sure to follow my blog to catch more posts I write about my journey with C.D.

source: daily health post

My Life Before Beachbody

12187666_10205275753353683_5342564610215842534_n Who is that girl in the yellow shirt?? I tend to have that question cross my mind every time I look at photos of myself prior to stumbling upon Beachbody. Well here is what I know of that girl today. Growing up I loved taking dance lessons, horse back riding, and even played softball. Clearly I was pretty active as a kid, then I became pregnant at the age of 14 and had my first son. I went from 98 lb.s soaking wet to 168 lbs. by the time I gave birth. At this point I grew to have insecurities about my body, and nine months later I was pregnant again with my second son with my weight ballooning to 188 lbs. My insecurities grew so much about my weight that I began working out like crazy and even though the weight came off, my boys father grew more abusive not just physically, but mentally as well. Being told you are so fat that no one else would ever want you at the age of 16 can be traumatizing to any girl, but add severe physical abuse on top of that and any girl would have crumbled.

By the age of seventeen I was living in an apartment with my babies and my abuser, but only a month after moving in I learned how strong of a person I am. He abused my children while I was at school and threatened my life and theirs if I told. I didn’t cower this time. I waited for the right moment and had him arrested for domestic battery and child abuse. I filed a restraining order and had him removed from our lives. Now you are probably thinking that it was that simple, but I promise you it wasn’t. I was harassed, threatened, stalked, and he attempted to run me over on multiple occasions  while I had my children with me. But I kept fighting back by using the system.

So here I was a single 17 year old mother of 2 babies and domestic violence survivor living on her own. Looking back at that girl, I am in awe of her. she had strength and resilience and I don’t know where that disappeared to. I don’t know how I lost my strength, my voice, my confidence. Somehow in the past 10 years I lost those vital parts of me and disappeared  into an abyss inside myself. I literally hated looking at myself in a mirror, and just existed in a shell of who I once was.

Last December I was doing what I thought I was good at, watching t.v., when an infomercial for Insanity Max 30 came on. I sat there in a euphoric state as I listened to Shaun T pushing with such love and desire for you to succeed at his program and I  wanted in! So I ordered my first Beachbody program and was determined to find myself under the 170 lbs. of walls I built around me, and honestly I am doing just that.  I lost 10 lbs. my first round of Insanity Max 30, then I decided to add serious nutrition to my daily life and I ordered my first bag of Shakeology. Next I got the  21 Day Fix program,completed the first round losing another 11 lbs. and then I went to Cize and lost 9 lbs. I am gaining confidence (I actually modeled for a friend of mine who is a photographer which is totally not my norm), growing through personal development, and becoming a Coach has helped keep me accountable so I can help others on this amazing journey of rediscovering ones self. I am still a work in progress, but I am just going with the flow of this amazing journey, meeting beautifully inspiring people, and learning one day at a time to love myself more and know my self worth is a lot more than what I gave myself credit for before.

” Don’t Live The Same Year 75 Times and Call It A Life.” -Author Unknown