Gluten Free Crock Pot Beef Stew With Sweet Potato


Though the weather may be oddly getting warmer, it doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy something that warms us up! Check out this delicious Gluten Free Beef Stew Recipe Below!


2 pounds of cubed beef, trimmed of fat and cut into bite size pieces

4 large carrots, cut into rounds

1 whole celery heart, chopped

2 large yams, cut into bite size wedges

1 medium onion, chopped

2 tablespoons minced garlic

olive oil, for frying

1 cup corn starch

4 tablespoons garlic powder, divided

4 tablespoons onion powder, divided

2 bay leaves

1 tablespoon dried rosemary

1 tablespoon sage

2 teaspoons ground black pepper

salt to taste

1 1/2 boxes of Beef Broth, low sodium


  1. In a medium skillet add olive oil to coat pan, heat on medium.

2. In a medium bowl, combine cornstarch, garlic, onion, rosemary, sage, salt and pepper, mix until well combined.

3. Add beef to cornstarch mixture and toss to coat well.

4. Add to skillet, be sure to shake off excess cornstarch mixture before placing in pan. Cook only until browned on the outside, turning on all sides.

5. Remove from pan and place in crock pot.

6. Add minced garlic, onion, carrot, celery, sweet potato, bay leaf, and beef broth. Season with remaining spices, cover with lid, and cook for 3 hours, or until meat and vegetables are cooked thoroughly.

7. Serve.

21 Day Fix Approved meal!