Are You Sabotaging Yourself?

Good morning beautiful!


This topic is a tender subject for many of us. You see, we all want to stay in our comfortable bubbles where we are protected from the harshness of the world. It is comfortable in many ways there. If the bubble is thick enough, then no-one can burst it. Nothing gets in that we didn’t want. But, the reality is, we are not safe in our bubble, there is something/someone in our bubble that is way more harsh then the things on the outside. Do you know what/who that is??? You guessed it! It is ourselves! 
  You see, we can’t escape our own negative thoughts by building a wall or bubble to protect us from the behaviors we attack ourselves with.  It is absolutely impossible! All we do is continue to create negative behaviors which in turn causes negative effects on our bodies and minds. So, what do we do to burst the bubble and heal our toxic selves so we can stop self sabotaging?
First thing  you need to do is take that uncomfortable sometimes even painful walk of self discovery.  You have to dive deep down to discover the root of your self sabotaging behaviors. Speaking to a counselor/therapist even a life coach can help you discover the things you have been burying for years. Once you start working through those buried events that led you to your current mindset of self sabotage,  you will be able to break free of the toxic environment that was once there and conquer all the things you have been only dreaming of doing for so long.  

Let’s look at a struggle that many of us face. Have you been struggling with your weight?? How many diets have you tried that worked for a while and then you stopped? Did you gain all of your weight back? Or did you gain more? Think about how many times you blamed the diet, the exercise,  the food, alcohol etc. on the failure of your weight loss journey. We all know that if the diet plan is working then it isn’t the diet. We all know that exercise isn’t going to cause our weightloss journey to fail since exercise is an important component to healthy weightloss success. We can’t blame the food we put in our bodies, since food doesn’t have a way to force us to eat it, the same with alcohol etc. All of these excuses come from our own mindset.  We convince ourselves that it was everything else that is the problem but our own negative thoughts.


Journeys in life are a process of self discovery. There will be times through your journey that are fun and easy, then there will be times that you fall face first in the mud even scratching your knees along the way. There are ups and downs in life that is a fact that cannot be changed.
The key to it all is to work within yourself to become the best friend you have ever needed instead of the enemies you always dread. Because the sad part is we are always abusive and hurtful towards ourselves more than anyone else could ever be. We are our own worst enemy!


Have a beautiful and self loving weekend. There is no better time to start then the present.

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