Shakeology 101: 100% Dense Nutrition That Tastes Like Dessert!

Untitled designGood morning beautiful!

Today I want to take you on a journey about Shakeology. I want to first start off by saying I would not speak of a product that I don’t personally use, and didn’t do my research on before hand. I have been drinking Shakeology for close to 10 months now, it would have been longer but I slacked off with my healthy choices for a bit, and boy let me tell you my body was not quiet about letting me know. Anyway, I love Shakeology, I love it for the natural energy boost, hair skin and nails look great, I sleep better, I have no cravings for sugar or caffeine, mental clarity (no brain fog),and no bloating, I just feel GREAT!

10955720_891060197591917_8223444352184038443_nShakeology Nutrition:

So how does a shake that has no artificial fillers, sweeteners, or chemicals to give you energy without added caffeine, help you lower cholesterol without a pill, reduce blood sugar without medication, and help you lose weight naturally? The simple answer is ALL NATURAL NUTRITION.  You see, our bodies need a certain amount of natural foods a day to function at its optimal level, and when we deprive our bodies of these nutrients our bodies send us signals letting us know. We are tired, moody, shaky from a drop in blood sugar, craving sugar and carbs (junk food), we gain weight, lose an unhealthy amount of weight, lose muscle strength, loss of concentration, even bloating. Those are just some minor  issues that take place when we are nutritionally deprived, now think about the more serious food related health issues, high blood pressure, blockage in arteries, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, obesity, high cholesterol, etc.

Shakeology loads your body with the foods we need daily. Just check out all of these amazing ingredients that are inside, what they do for your body and the average cost when purchased separately!

Nutrition Facts:                                      Vitamins and Minerals:

160 Calories per scoop                 A        B1         B12        Phosphurus    Maganese

20 Calories From Fat                    C        B2         Biotin          Iodine       Chromium

6 Grams of Dietary Fiber              D        B3        Pantothenic Acid         Magnesium

17 Grams of Protein                        E         B6        Calcium          Zinc       Molybdenum

6 Grams of Sugar                            K1                    Folic Acid        Iron        Copper

11218967_10205268466691521_5061754139741259586_n (1)MMMMMM…….

Proprietary Blends:

Super Protein Blend: Whey, Sacha Inchi, Chia, Flax, Quinoa, Pea

*Protein helps build lean muscle and reduce cravings.

Super-fruit/Antioxidant Blend: Camu-Camu, Acerola Cherry,Bilberry, Gogi Berry, Green Tea, Luo Han Guo, Pomegranate, Rose Hips, Vitamins A, C, E

*These vitamins and antioxidants help fight free radical damage and helps support a healthy immune system.

Super Green /Phytonutrient Blend: Morenga, Chlorella, Spirulina, Spinach, Kale

* Phytonutrients help support health and vitality.

Adaptogen Blend: Ashwagandha, Astragalus, Cordyceps, Ginko, Maca, Maitake, Reishi, Shisandra

*Adaptogens have been traditionally used to help the body adapt and respond to the effects of stress.

Pre-And Probiotic/Digestive Enzyme Blend: Yokon Root, Chickory Root, Lactobacillus Sporogenes, Amylase, Cellulase, Lactase, Glucoamylase, Alpha-Galactosidase, Invertase

*Probiotics, Prebiotics, Fiber, and Enzymes help nutrient absorption and suppport regularity and healthy digestion.

Just look at all of that awesome nutrition packed into those shakes!

Now if you were to purchase all of these, your total average cost would be around $578.69! Um, I don’t know about you, but I know for sure I am not spending that kind of money monthly on just those ingredients, let alone storing all of those containers, which is why I drink Shakeology. I don’t even spend a quarter of that on my  30 day supply, nor do I have to worry about measuring each ingredient to make sure I am getting just the right amount my body needs. Who seriously has time and money for that? I know I sure don’t.

shakeolgy super sampler

If you want to sample this amazing super food, go to and click on the Shakeology tab to order your sample box today. Then shoot me an email to let me know what you think or to try out a Shakeo recipe.

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